A Matter of Balance Storybook
Please call (209)525-4670 to sign-up for the free program
Free eight-week program | Meets once a week for 2 hours | Workbook and refreshments provided
Limited space available, next classes will begin in Spring 2020.
Stanislaus Veterans Center
Paula (89) - Stanislaus Veterans Center
Paula read about the A Matter of Balance program from information Healthy Aging Association sent her. After recovering from a broken leg she decided the A Matter of Balance program could help her feel more steady on her feet and improve her balance. Paula enjoyed the leaders of the class and the discussions with the other participants on topics she had similar concerns about. After attending the classes she is determined to remain disciplined to exercise regularly because she knows now how important it is to fall prevention. |
Gary (86) - Stanislaus Veterans Center
Gary heard about the A Matter of Balance class being offered in his area from the instructor of his exercise class. He felt that he wanted to make healthy changes in his life to prevent future falls from happening and decided to sign up for the class. After attending the class he felt very informed on the causes of falls, was more aware of his surroundings and understood better the importance of exercise to prevent falls. Gary plans to continue exercising each day and mentioned that although he suffers from neuropathy he is going to be more mindful of where he is going, especially when he walks his dogs around his neighborhood. |
Stanislaus Veterans Center
Shirley (83) - Stanislaus Veterans Center
Shirley heard about the A Matter of Balance program from a friend and after feeling weak from lack of exercising during the COVID-19 pandemic she decided to sign up for the class. She had felt her body changing during this time and after having two hip replacements she wanted to be proactive in her efforts to remain independent. Shirley enjoyed the camaraderie among other participants and the problem solving the group shared together during the sessions. After attending the A Matter of Balance classes she learned the importance of breathing during exercise, remaining calm in stressful situations and being more mindful of the task at hand. |
Lynne (71) - Stanislaus Veterans Center
Lynne, a 71 year old woman, was encouraged to exercise and learn more about the importance of balance from her doctor since she has Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and experienced 2 recent falls. Lynne mentioned that her past falls have resulted in having to undergo surgery and stay in multiple rehabilitation facilities due to her injuries. She felt that the A Matter of Balance class had wonderful presentations of balance information and the instructors made the class very inclusive for all members to participate in discussion. After completing this class she now feels more assertive about her needs, more aware of potential fall risks, and more positive about how she can adjust to aging. Now Lynne is focused more diligently on how to reduce falls in the future. |
Margaret (83) - Stanislaus Veterans Center
Margaret is an 83 year old woman who decided to join the A Matter of Balance class after experiencing a number of falls and realizing her balance had worsened. Margaret also shared that prior to this class she had broken her ankle and was nervous about returning to her outdoor walks for fear she might fall and break her ankle again. She mentioned how active she was with her gardening and volunteering and even though she was getting older she wanted to remain independent for as long as possible. After completing the class she felt she had better balance, learned the importance of slowing down and will now be focusing on keeping things in order to prevent future falls. |
Ralston Tower
Donna (60s)Donna is a testimony that recovery is possible. She has had surgery on her foot, both knees and lives with a deformity on the other foot. Due to these physical challenges Donna has had several falls. She enrolled in the A Matter of Balance class and has since taken preventative measures in her home by removing rugs that she could trip on and has become inspired to join an exercise class. Now, she can rotate her ankles from practicing the exercises and has a more positive attitude toward preventing falls.
Barbara (74)Barbara, a 74-year old, is an example of how a positive attitude can make a difference when faced with challenging situation. After experiencing a fall where she broke her wrist, Barbara realized her fall could have been much worse. Knowing that she could have fallen on her head or broken her hip Barbara wanted to take safety measures to prevent a future fall from occurring. During the A Matter of Balance class Barbara learned how to be assertive in communication, more aware of fall hazards, and exercises to help with balance and strength. She now takes part in a strength training class twice a week and encourages others to take advantage of programs such as A Matter of Balance to prevent falls and stay active.
Sheila (67)Sheila, a 67-year old, was a participant of our A Matter of Balance class. Following a fall she had and challenges she experiences daily with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Sheila took proactive measures and signed up for the A Matter of Balance class. As a result of taking this class she has met new friends she may never have come in contact with, she is more focused when walking to prevent falls and has taken steps to make her home safer for her and her husband.
Stanislaus Veterans Center
Sue (75)Sue, a 75-year old, is an example of the importance of prevention and awareness. Sue felt her balance and strength declining over the past few years. In completing the A Matter of Balance class she learned how to reduce her risk of falling and engaging in physical activity to prevent a fall. Through this awareness she took action around her home by removing throw rugs that could be potential fall hazards, she began exercising more, and has paid more attention to different circumstance where a fall may occur.
Sylvia (84)Sylvia, an 84-year old, was a participant of our A Matter of Balance class who lived with a fear of falling and losing her balance. While attending the A Matter of Balance class she underwent a change in perspective of how she could manage her concerns about falling. After taking this class her life changed drastically, she does not fear falling as she once did, enjoys the exercises, and is no longer afraid to ride her bike.
Hammon Senior Center - Patterson
Loretta (58)Loretta, a 58-year old, is an example of the power of positive thinking. She had several falls that lead up to her enrollment in the A Matter of Balance class. She learned about how to over come the strong negative thoughts in her mind and take positive steps to prevent any future falls. As a result of this class she no longer has negative thoughts about falls, plans not to have another fall, and is more mindful of her surroundings.
Rachel (64)Rachel, a 64-year old, is a reminder that we are never alone and so many people are willing to help if we ask. After her husband passed away she began to feel isolated and had to force herself to get out of the house. Once she started attending the A Matter of Balance class she was welcomed with kindness, safety, and empathy. She looked forward to coming to this class each week and became more aware of similar concerns other seniors, like herself, experienced. Rachel also suffers from a spinal condition (Brown Sequard Syndrome) which affects her nerves and causes her to stumble and fall. After taking this class she feels more comfortable talking about her husband’s passing and her concerns about falling.
Beverly (76)Beverly, a 76-year old, is an example of the importance of fall prevention. She had a severe fall in which she had a concussion and had to get stiches. She enrolled in the A Matter of Balance class to improve her balance and prevent another fall from happening. As a result of the class she has made safety improvements to her home, talked to her children about concerns she has about falling, and has joined a yoga class to improve her balance.
Gladys L. Lemmons Center, Oakdale
Barbara (76)Barbara, a 76-year old, has not only changed the way she thinks about potential falls, but she has changed her life. She experienced a severe fall in her driveway and realized at that moment she needed to learn how to slow down and be more mindful of her surroundings. She enrolled in the A Matter of Balance class and learned where she could make changes in her everyday life to be safer. Now, she is more cautious, has changed her thoughts about using a step stool, and feels safer when she gets up in the middle of the night. Knowing the consequences of potentially hazardous fall situations has helped her be more mindful wherever she goes.
Juanita (80)Juanita, an 80-year old, is determined to not let her concerns about falling keep her from doing the things she loves to do. After having several falls in the past few years and visiting the emergency room two of those times she decided to sign up for the A Matter of Balance class. She learned in the class how to create a balanced exercise program and ways to reduce her risk of falling in her home. Now, she is determined to be consistent with exercise, be more positive when thinking about risks of falling, and feel secure about how to prevent falls.
Liz (89)Liz, an 89-year old, is an example of the importance of a positive attitude, especially in regards to preventing falls. Liz noticed she was not walking correctly and did not feel secure so she decided to enroll in the A Matter of Balance class. She learned how to be more aware of potential fall hazards and exercises she could practice to build her strength. Now, she feels confident in being able to help herself live independently for as long as possible.
Stanislaus Veterans Center
Marian (62)
Marian experiences difficulties in her balance from a brain ailment, making falls and loss of balance a common occurrence. She mentioned, “I liked the depth of the class over the course of 8 week and the emphasis on changing our attitudes towards falls”. After taking the class Marian said, “I bought a hallway night like to see when it is dark, I got shoes for exercise, and I am more confident about the things I can do to lessen my chance of having a fall”.
Linda (67) & Gabriel (70)
After using a cane for some time, Linda noticed her balance was getting worse. She heard about the A Matter of Balance program at the once a month Green Bag distribution and decided to sign up with her husband Gabriel. After completing the class Linda and Gabriel said, “We learned a lot of good tips for being more aware when we are walking and we learned good strength exercises to do at home”. They plan on being more aware of fall hazards and getting stronger from doing exercise.
MaryAnne (77)
After experiencing 3 serious falls in the past 8 years MaryAnne saw a brochure about the A Matter of Balance program and decided to sign up for the class. MaryAnne mentioned, “What I liked most about the program was the combination of problem solving and motivation activities, the book was also very well laid out and I enjoyed starting class with exercise”. After completing the class she said, “I am trying to do the exercises everyday and be more aware of problem areas in my home and outdoors. I try to do a safety check of my environment to prevent a fall”.
Stanislaus Veterans Center
Vanessa (63)
Vanessa heard about the A Matter of Balance program at the Senior Center and from a friend and decided to sign up for the next available class after falling on several occasions. She said, “Some of the things I liked most about the class was the consistency of the teachers and their positive attitudes. They really care about each of us and the expertise they both provided was very helpful. After taking the class I am more willing to try to get more involved with other seniors, knowing that I can get help if I need it”. |
Colleen (71)
After experiencing numerous falls, Colleen decided to sign up for the A Matter of Balance program. Once she completed the program Colleen said, “The program was very informative and now I am more confident walking and am more aware of the dangers of falling. I have also learned some exercises to strengthen my muscles and prevent another fall”. Colleen also plans to start going back to Young at Heart and walk more after completing this program. She recommends, “Everyone with balance and falling issues should attend this class”. |
Anne (75)
Anne heard about the A Matter of Balance Program from the Modesto Bee and after having knee surgery she decided to sign up for the class. She said, “Sharing experiences and ideas for prevention was my favorite part of the class. I am not more aware of cracks in the pavement and uneven walking surfaces. I have started doing exercise more regularly and I am more aware of when I am being too sedentary”. |
Ceres Community Center
Maxine (84)
Maxine decided to join the A Matter of Balance class after hearing about it from a friend. She said, “I am 84, but I want to be a healthy 94! From this class I learned some helpful information from two very enthusiastic leaders. My attitude and my balance improved after taking this class”. Maxine also experienced a serious back injuring during the duration of this class, but she was determined to finish the class and show her class the importance of working toward her goals.
Pat (79) & Rochelle (70)
Pat heard about the A Matter of Balance program from the exercise class she attends and she invited her friend Rochelle to join her. Pat said, “I had a fear of falling before this class, but after performing the exercises and meeting some great people I feel more confident. I think more before doing something and I have even made changes to my house.” Her friend Rochelle mentioned, “I experienced 2 hip replacements a nd a knee replacement and I knew I needed to keep moving, even if it meant simple exercises. I came with my friend Pat, but I learned some great information for myself. I now am looking at my floor before I go to bed so I do not trip over anything and I learned the importance of changing our negative thinking to positive thinking.”
Dave (74) and Carol (73)
Dave and Carol heard about the A Matter of Balance class from a friend and after experiencing challenges with their balance they decided to sign up for the class. Carol mentioned, “My family was concerned when my balance was getting worse and Dave wanted to be proactive in preventing future fall”. Both enjoyed the interactions of the participants and coaches and the practical solutions the group was able to come up with for common aging issues. After completing the class Dave said, “We can now better identify dangerous situations and use what we learned in the class to prevent a fall”.
Gladys L. Lemmons Center, Oakdale
Eugene (86)
Eugene read about the A Matter of Balance class coming to the Oakdale Senior Center from a brochure and after experiencing progressive aches and pains leading him to a more sedentary lifestyle he decided to sign up for the class. Gene said, “I wanted to reclaim my interactive social lifestyle so I explored this program.” He also mentioned one of the things he enjoyed about the program was, “The friendly, non-judgmental attitudes of the instructors and other attendees which made this a very pleasurable experience.” After completing the class Eugene said, “I am now more aware of my fall-ty habits and have changed things around my house to ensure my personal safety. I have discarded shoes that were misshapen and caused me to trip. I have also installed night lights in the bedroom and hallways to be sure I can clearly see at night and have put rubber backed rugs in the bathroom.”
Roxie (82) & Bobbe (82)
Roxie and Bobbe have been friends since grammar school and after hearing about the A Matter of Balance program from another mutual friend they decided to join the class. Roxie mentioned, “I signed up for the class not only because my friend encouraged me, but I had fallen 3 times this past year and I wanted to strengthen myself to prevent future falls because they hurt!” Bobbe agreed, “Our friend did talk very highly of the program and I had become fatigued easily and wanted to find a way to overcome my fear of falling so I decided to look into the program more.” Both women said, “Some of the things we liked most about the program was the information presented by Dianna and Jessica from the workbooks and handouts. We can now take this information home to our husbands to help them prevent falls as well.” After completing this program Roxie and Bobbe are planning to continue exercising regularly and now feel more aware of fall risk situations. Bobbe mentioned, “I am continuing to make my home safer by improving the lighting and getting slip-resistant rugs.” Roxie followed up by stating, “I feel more confident about growing older and all the things I can do to prevent falls from happening.”
Elyse (80s)
Elyse read about the A Matter of Balance program from a brochure she picked up from the Oakdale Senior Center. After experiencing tremors which made it difficult to use her walker and maintain good balance she decided to sign up for the A Matter of Balance class. Elyse said, “Some of the aspects I liked about the program was the good information we received to prevent falls, the instructors of the class, and the interactions with others who had similar concerns.” Elyse also mentioned, “ Some improvements I experienced as a result of the class were feeling more secure about preventing falls, continuing to exercise, and knowing what to do if I have a fall.”
Stanislaus Veterans Center
Karlene (73) |
Matthew (72) & Meri (79) |
George (68) |
Jean (73) & James (74) |
Karlene learned about the A Matter of Balance classes from the Modesto Senior Center. After feeling very shaky when gardening in her yard on a few occasions she decided to sign up for the classes to be offered at the Stanislaus Veterans Center. Karlene said, “Throughout the program it was nice learning that others have some of the same concerns that I do.” Since completing the class Karlene mentioned, “I now use my cane to make me more steady on my feet, exercise even when I feel some pain, and I check my house regularly to be sure it is safe in preventing future falls.”
Matthew and Meri heard about the A Matter of Balance class being offered at the Stanislaus Veterans Center from their local newspaper. They said, “What we liked most about the A Matter of Balance program was the open discussion, mindfulness, and the awareness about preventing falls.” As a result of this class they mentioned, “We are more aware of reducing falls and are working on strengthening our bodies through exercise like walking.”
George heard about the A Matter of Balance classes from a friend and had experienced some issues with Multiple Sclerosis affecting his balance, so he decided to sign up for the class. He mentioned, “ I liked the many areas of balance covered in the A Matter of Balance classes and having an open discussion helped us share ideas and similar issues we were having with balance.” After completing the class George said, “I have an idea of what other people who have MS are going through as they age so I can become more aware of future issues I might encounter and be able to overcome them.”
Jean and James read about the A Matter of Balance program in their local newspaper and were encouraged by a friend to join the class. Jean said, “We signed up for this class to teach us about preventing falls and becoming more aware since I have Multiple Sclerosis.” Jean and James also mentioned that they enjoyed meeting others who had common concerns about falls and learning how to become more aware. After taking this class they said, “This program reminded us that we need to stay active and be more aware about everything.”
United Samaritans Foundation, Turlock
Tammy (60)
Tammy learned about the A Matter of Balance program from her local newspaper and after having multiple falls she decided to sign up for the class. Tammy said, “The sharing of fall experiences and ideas of how to prevent falls was what I liked most about the A Matter of Balance program”. As a result of the class Tammy mentioned, “ I now feel more confident to keep moving and have realized the importance of positive thoughts when talking about preventing falls.”
Adelfa (71)
After hearing about the A Matter of Balance program from a friend, a flyer at the Modesto Senior Center, and the Healthy Aging and Fall Prevention Summit Adlefa decided to sign up for the class to improve her strength and balance. At the conclusion of the program Adelfa said, “I am now more motivated to be consistent with an exercise plan, stay positive and work on fall-ty habits I have. I have also installed night lights in my home, made sure rugs are secure to the floor and always have three points of contact to prevent falls.” She also feels motivated to maintain good health and plans to continue with the Young at Heart classes provided by Healthy Aging Association.
Peggy (72)
Peggy heard about the A Matter of Balance classes from a friend and after experiencing 3 falls in 2017 she decided to sign up for the class. Peggy said, “The program was helpful in sharing ideas, common concerns about falls, and positive solutions.” After completing the A Matter of Balance program she mentioned, “As a result of the class I know the importance of regular exercise, slowing down and not rushing to get things done, and how to get up from a fall if I have another fall.”
Stanislaus Veterans Center
Alzheimer's Dementia Support Center
Joene (74)
Joene heard about the A Matter of Balance program at the Healthy Aging and Fall Prevention Summit and decided after having fallen several times she wanted to take the steps to prevent any future falls. She recognized her husband becoming very unsteady on his feet and she wanted to do everything possible to help them prevent falls from happening. Joene felt like she learned a lot from the instructors and stories shared by the other people in the class. She mentioned, “I think more positively now after taking the class and I stop and think before acting to prevent falls especially around the house".
Nelson (73)
Nelson read about the upcoming A Matter of Balance class in the Modesto Bee and was encouraged by his wife to join the class after having a few falls. He really enjoyed the coaches who lead the class and expressed, “I learned that I could keep up with a schedule and that there are more helpful classes available for older adults”. Nelson mentioned, “I can get better, I want to get better, and I am getting better”.
Jeannie (73)
Jeannie learned about the A Matter of Balance program from a friend at church. After having several falls which led to spinal injuries, she decided to look into the A Matter of Balance program. Jeannie liked that the A Matter of Balance program focused on changing the mental impression older adults might have about a fear of falling. She said, " I now has a more positive attitude about topics discussed throughout the program and I'm eager to share this knowledge with others who may benefit from the information".
Leonore (84)
Leonore heard about the A Matter of Balance from an article she read in the Modesto Bee. After having a hip replacement, she decided the A Matter of Balance program might help prevent her from experiencing a fall. Leonore mentioned, “I appreciated the coaches who were delightful women and I received a lot of ideas from the other participants”. The A Matter of Balance program has helped Leonore take safety measures in her home, such as, adding grab bars in the shower. She also stated, “I am now more aware of my surroundings and I am more assertive when asking for help”.
Stanislaus Veterans Center
Robert (89)
Robert heard about the A Matter of Balance program from a friend after having a fall on his porch steps. Robert completed all 8 classes in a row and was very grateful with all the information he received from each session. Robert really appreciated the class and maintained a positive attitude throughout the program. Robert found the exchange of ideas among class members extremely helpful especially when setting an exercise program for himself and staying with it.
Susan (70) & Manuel (74)
Susan and Manuel saw the ad for A Matter of Balance in the Modesto Bee and decided to join the class to learn more about fall prevention and exercises to improve balance. After attending 7 classes Susan and Manuel mentioned, “This information was very useful not only for us but for older people in our family and there are so many resources available to help with fall prevention.” Their favorite parts of class were the instructors, class interaction, and the A Matter of Balance work book. Manuel and Susan have both experienced the importance of slowing down and keeping each other accountable in their exercise programs. They also have improved the lighting in their home, added grab bars, and are no longer wearing flip flops.
Laurie (76)
Laurie learned about the A Matter of Balance program from the Patterson Irrigator newspaper. Laurie mentioned a concern about balance and decided to check out the program being offered at the Stanislaus Veterans Center. After completing all 8 sessions of the program, Laurie stated, “I liked the interactions between the participants and the information or ideas we could share with each other”. Laurie has now begun to slow down in her daily life in order to prevent falls from happening, incorporated exercises learned in class to her daily routine, and no longer wears flip flops.
Stanislaus County Library
Clara (91)
Clara has been attending the Young at Heart class for 10 years and the instructor was an A Matter of Balance Class and explained all of the benefits of the class. Clara was interested. Clara attended all 8 sessions of A Matter of Balance and she is going to try to slow down in everything that she does, but she is going to continue to exercise in the Young at Heart Class three days a week. Clara is very sure that she can find a way up if she falls and she is very sure that she can protect herself if she does have a fall.
Kim (61) & Martha (64)
Kim and Martha have been attending the Young at Heart S.T.E.P.S. program at the mall. When they met at the mall to report their miles, Healthy Aging Association told them about A Matter of Balance. Martha was very intrigued because she was tripping over her own feet and she takes care of her mother. They both loved the class, they met new people and the small group became friends, motivated each other and there was laughter in the ugly subject of Falls! Because of this class they know how to reduce falls and know that they must keep moving, because "movement is freedom".
Anna (75)
Anna found out about A Matter of Balance from the newspaper. She was interested because she had a number of falls and has broken her shoulder because of a fall. She did not know how to reduce her chance of having a fall and did not know how to protect herself if she did have a fall. Because of A Matter of Balance she is positive that she can increase her strength to prevent falls and to become more steady on her feet. She also knows how to protect herself if she does have a fall and how to reduce her chances of falling. She now has positive emotions about the subject of falling and may even join a Young at Heart Class.
United Samaritans Foundation, Turlock
Lois (74)
Lois attended 6 of the 8 sessions of A Matter of Balance. Lois saw the ad in the Modesto Bee, that a balance class was coming to Turlock. The balance class intrigued her because she had several falls and total lack of confidence upon occasion.
Lois liked the content of the class and that the class kept moving, so that participants didn't have lots of lag time. Because of A Matter of Balance, Lois has started back at the Turlock Young at Heart class, after take a few years off because of her shoulder. She also bought a cane, in case she needs a boost of confidence. |
Avril & Bobby
This wonderful lady on the right is Bobbie. Bobbie saw in the Modesto Bee that the Healthy Aging Association was looking for volunteers to become certified A Matter of Balance Coaches. Bobbie has fallen a few times due to her inner ear problem and it has been hard for her to stay motivated to be consistent with exercise.
Bobbie encouraged some friends to join the 8 week class. Her friend Avril (pictured on the left) completed 7 of the 8 classes. Avril use to be a runner, ran every day until her stroke, 2 years ago. Because of the stroke, Avril has had several falls. Bobbie loved co-coaching her first 8 week session of A Matter of Balance at the United Samaritans Foundation in Turlock. She loved the group activities, the positive environment, and that the program supplied her and the participants with concrete tools to help from today forward. Avril enjoyed that the program made her more cognizant and more positive. Avril now has a different point of view about how she is able to be positive when it comes to falls, and falling. Bobbie's life is different as a result of the A Matter of Balance Program. She has been exercising more and has noticed increased flexibility. She has learned how to be assertive and she stated, "I have knowledge on how to take care of myself better, being compromised in my balance due to inner ear problem, joint problems, and vision problems." Sometimes, a partner can make all the difference. Find a friend, relative, or neighbor and join a program, we are sure it will help motivate one, or all partners. |